Gran Paradiso Film Festival

From July 23 to 28, 2018 in Cogne and August in the Grand-Paradis valleys


S Nallamuthu
India I 2014 I 44’ I

Wednesday 26 August (second screening) in all venues 
Re-screening Thursday 27 August 10 a.m.  Maison de la Grivola, Cogne

Tiger’s revenge is a compelling story of two tiger sisters whose life journeys intermingle and clash against the backdrop of a breathtaking ancient fort in the Ranthambore National Park. Despite their natural instinct for domination over territory, it is their maternal instincts that finally decide and shape their destinies. The film unravels a poignant tale of motherhood even as it features the rivalry, jealousies and love stories of the two tiger sisters. Filmed over a period of 2 years in Ranthambore National Park, Tiger Revenge is an observational documentary on the lives of a tiger family.

Watch the trailer!